You’ve Got a Friend in Me!

Happy Spring! You know the ‘ole saying, March comes in like a lamb and goes out like a lion! I sure hope so! I could use some sun and warmth, you too?

This gets me thinking about our students. Some come to us with musical knowledge already, but many come with none. It is our goal to have them be like March. When they move on from Classic Studios, our hope is that they have musical confidence, much like a lion!

Also we have we have attached the Covid-19 update (effective March 8th, 2021) to group performance activities. Please check it out in the newsletter below. 

So as spring blossoms, we hope your child’s musical abilities will as well. Below there is information about the ARMTA competition. What a great way to bolster your child’s confidence and add some pizazz to their life. Check it out! We are also getting students ready for the Sherwood Park Music Festival.  Masterclass will deal with how to get ready for performances and how to deal with nerves. We will also play Musical “Sports” themed jeopardy. See you there!


Flashback photos.

These are from when we used to have concerts at the seniors homes. Such a blast!

Student Reviews

My daughter is a busy high school student.
She has a job, lots of school work, and a crazy social life.
Yet she loves coming to Jan’s lessons once a week,
never complains, and always, always comes out of them happy with great stories to share. His positive energy and casual,
fun, and eclectic personality has kept her interest in music
far longer than I would have imagined!

We appreciate Jan for more than just his piano expertise
(which is pretty amazing I might add!) but also for being a highly regarded role model in her life!

Thanks Jan!

-Karen Quinlan

Student of the month

Oliver L. is March's Student of the Month! Check out his very fun video below!


Masterclass Winners

We announced our February Masterclass winners
in our last newsletter, so come to our March 21st Masterclass
to have some fun with fellow musicians!


We will be having a song writing and improv contest!
Send us your video of your original song or improv
and you will be entered to win 1 free month of lessons!

2021 Alberta Registered Music Teachers’ Association (ARMTA) Student Composer Competition.

ARMTA invites submissions of original compositions for any instrument, voice, or combination of voice(s) and instrument.

The deadline for entry this year is APRIL 1st, 2021.

Check out for more information


2021 PROVINCIAL ROUND of the CFMTA National Vocal Competition

Location: Online
Judge: Michael Sullivan Parr
Michael Sullivan Parr is an ARMTA member with 2 bachelor degrees, one Master of Music degree, years of teaching experience and years of international performing experience.

Application deadline: April 18, 2021
Application fee: $50
Competitors must be:

no older than 25 years of age as of January 1, 2021
Canadian Citizens or landed immigrants
voice student of an ARMTA teacher at the time of application
Please visit for full details!


AMEF Student Recognition Award

Now accepting entries for the
2021 AMEF Student Recognition Award

Recognizing and assisting deserving Alberta music students for excellence in music performance, and for utilizing their musical talents in active volunteer community service.

$500 Awards

Available Categories:
Music Performance or Community Service
Junior/Senior High or Completed High School

Each award is $500 in the form of an AMEF certificate redeemable for music lessons, tuition, or musical supplies.

Competition is comprised of video entries on YouTube, a completed application form, and a letter of recommendation.

DEADLINE: March 31st, 2021

For online application and guidelines, visit

Upcoming Events!

Online Masterclass is March 21st.

The theme is getting ready for the Sherwood Park festival and we will also be playing Musical “Sports” Jeopardy!

Do you want your kids to be more organized?

Classic Studios Practice Journals are now available for 5 bucks for our students. Classic Studios method books are now out for beginner piano, ukulele, guitar, drums.


Did you know that students can receive high school credits for their music studies?

Please contact us to find out more.
Refer a Friend &
Get a Free Lesson!

If you refer a friend to Classic Studios and they take 1 month of lessons, we’ll give you one lesson for free! There’s no maximum to the amount of free lessons that you can receive!

Don’t want a free lesson?

Swap it out for a $25 gift card from Tim Horton’s or Starbucks, Cineplex, Amazon or Safeway or Cash.

Want to learn more about Classic Studios, our top notch instructors, and how you can register for lessons?

Welcome New Students!
Anniston B. (Welcome Back!)
Christian W.
Hayden L.
Joyce O. (Welcome Back!)

Teacher Availability
Jan Janovsky: SOLD OUT
Sam Oscar: SOLD OUT
Eric Weiden: 1 opening
Rebecca Cypher: 3 openings
Olivia Hindley: 2 openings
Mark Maclure: 3 openings
Justin Powley: 3 openings
Thom Golub: 3 openings

Follow us on Social Media


Music Adventure Class Registration

We will reach out to you shortly by phone or email and give you some options.

Thank you